Monday, 9 January 2012

accolades 2011

well. here we are, all poised at the beginning of this shiny new year. we have a great many exciting plans, and a whole host of wonderful releases in the works for you, not to mention an all-round intent to continue to 'step up our game' to make sure that we are doing our very utmost to bring you the best possible artistic creations for your recreational pleasure... and what better inspiration than all the support, encouragement, enthusiasm and praise we received across 2011, and how, in the spirit of cherishing the kindness of others, might we make our first post of the year a joyous tribute to all the wonderful accolades bestowed upon us in 2011. so, please find below a list of all the marvelous gongs we recevied for our creative efforts across the past twelve months. it is an honour and a privilege indeed.


decorative stamp:



almost needless-to-say, we are still absolutely beside ourselves with all this kindness and appreciation for our works. it would be fair to mention that, even though the stamp began as a small excursion into musical freedom from the twin-james', we are wholly confident that we have assembled such an incredible family of talented artists whose work really does deserve such high praise and recognition but, even so, it is very much the icing on the cake to see each of our releases take flight into the world only to be welcomed with such kind care and good will.

so, here is to 2012 then... and what little hints might we offer as to what to expect next? well, there's been some murmurings here and there, much on the drawing board, and much noise being recorded in various safe-houses across the globe. still, to begin with, we are on the verge of completing the our first release of year which we can confirm to be the new album from the astonishing a native hundred, which is sounding quite frankly epic. also, something very beatufiul from thverfellshorn coming soon, the new album from a band of buriers, and jamesreindeer's long-delayed book are all slowly bubbling to the surface.

so, here's to the onwards and upwards then. once again, do allow us the opportunity to thank you kindly, once again reiterate how filled with gladness we are at all that has transpired, and how we simply cannot wait to start unveiling all that we have in store for 2012. be sure to keep checking back with us often and do keenly anticipate securing yourself some new decorative stamp treats, we promise we shall not disappoint!

sending all the love from the whole decorative stamp family

keep cosy and warm

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